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Praga, 24. in 25. april 2015

Supporting parents to become the best primary educators

EDUin & Fórum rodičů
Conference report on the Prague EPA Conference

Friday, 24th April

Základní škola, Praha 2, Londýnská 34

Plenary session I – Good practices from the Czech Republic

Nikola Kristek

Shared responsibilities of family and child-care institutions: Can they all succeed without shared learning process?

Rut Kolinska

Training offered by motherhood centres in the Czech Republic

Lenka Fecmanova

Parents for Inclusion

Magdalena Marešová

Family-school Partnerships in Learning in the Czech Republic, recent research outcomes

Plenary session II – International good practices

Aija Tuna, Education Development Centre, Latvia

From Schools to Multifunctional Community Centres

Marina Robben, International Federation for Family Development, Belgium

A different approach to empowering parents

Miguel Angel Esomba Gelabert, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

FamilyEduNet: Making the Xarxa Clau project European

Saturday, 25th April

Plenary session III – International good practices

Casper Rongsted & Rasmus Schiellerup, Denmark

The World’s Best Nordic Schools – How home-school partnerships make children, parents and teachers happy in Denmark

Workshop sessions